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NEIHR Northwest Territories Network Environment
for Indigenous Health Research

Team —

Dedicated to improving the health of Indigenous northerners

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Bought to you by Institute of Circumpolar Health Research

We are Indigenous scholars, health researchers, practitioners, policy makers and community builders united with a shared purpose: to improve the health of Indigenous northerners.  

As individuals, this has been a lifelong principle in practice across our work. As a group, we generate strong intention and a sense of possibility that inspires action. Our collaborative approach to community-led research will bring about sustainable change and improve health outcomes for Indigenous communities now and for years to come.

François Paulette

Governing Council, NT-NEIHR
Principal Applicant

Rassi Nashalik

Governing Council, NT-NEIHR
Principal Applicant

John B. Zoe

Governing Council, NT-NEIHR Principal Knowledge User

Candice Lys

Principal Applicant

Denise McDonald


Susan Chatwood

Scientific Director, ICHR

Sophie Roher

Senior Research Advisor, ICHR

Carmen Logie


Anita Daniels-Black

Knowledge User