Our research is about creating a network that includes community members, Elders, and researchers and giving people the space to find supportive counterparts who can help them realize their goals around community health, research and learning.

Our partnership goal
We envision a dynamic, interactive, and supportive place that we can all take pride in where people of all ages and walks of life feel empowered and communities are able to mobilize around their health issues.

We recognize the potential that our community Elders have to mentor and guide this project. Their abilities and those of their communities to share their knowledge is our greatest resource. Activating the potential of Indigenous youth through mentorship and empowerment is a key objective of NT NEIHR.
Our Objectives & Activities
- Community-engaged research in partnership with schools/ youth & Elder collaborations.
- Summer research assistant positions within NT NEIHR.
- Elder/knowledge holder presentations at grade/high schools to encourage interest in health research for Indigenous students.
- Workshops facilitated by Elders/community researchers for teachers, school counselors, and health practitioners who can be involved in increasing knowledge of health research streams for Indigenous students.
- Continue to week-long orientation program for Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers in the NT.
- Elders will continue to host workshops to share experiences, document lessons learned from land-based approach in a modern context.
- Develop land-based curriculum.
- Support the use of land-based sites for CBR research and Indigenous methods initiatives. Elders will engage with regions on current infrastructure for land-based learning.
- Master’s and Doctoral student scholarships for Indigenous students in the Northwest Territories and Yukon.
- Expand scholarships to include bachelor’s and post-doctoral fellowships, early-career researchers, and community-based researchers.
- Trainees will gain networking benefits, opportunities to present their work, and participate in the National Gathering of Graduate Students (NGGS).
- Provide one-on-one support for grant applications and administration for Indigenous organizations and governments in the NT and Yukon.
- Offer webinars on research and grant administration.
- Assist with staff training and orientation upon request.
- Explore opportunities for community REBs in local Indigenous communities and within Indigenous organizations.
- Explore opportunities to develop an Indigenous led organization responsible for health research activities in the NT.
- Provide access to videoconference facilities, workstations and office equipment to enable students pursuing graduate degrees (distance MPH and PhD), thesis research and practicum placements to have a home base in Yellowknife.
- Seed and partnership grants to Indigenous community groups and organizations.
- Improve network between grant writers, students and communities so that partnerships are sustainable and based on longer-term relationships and commitments to shared values.
- Facilitate connections between Elders, Indigenous community partners, and academic researchers when desired by the community.
- Provide leadership and sharing of knowledge on best practices to support Elder engagement across the national NEIHR network.
- Complete a scoping review of Indigenous led community-based participatory research training programs and identification of best practices.
- Co-develop a sustainable, flexible, and culturally responsive hybrid CBPR training program with modules for Indigenous communities in the NT.
- Policy development
- Job descriptions
- Partnership organization survey on needs
- Research associates training program (based on existing team models)
- Development of a strengths-based approach to employment planning that reflects an Indigenous worldview (community, sustainability, inclusivity, roles defined by talent and experience)
- Continue to revise curriculum, modify it to the contexts of community and offer a seasonal course in land based and Indigenous methods.
- Develop a distance learning component in partnership with Elders and Indigenous Adjunct Faculty.
- Model co-learning and commitment to life-long learning.
- An Elder designed orientation program to be delivered with partner organizations at mentorship land-based sites
- Bring together Elders to discuss health research topics chosen by the Elders.
- Provide resources to the Elders related to revitalization of Indigenous methodologies and ontologies grounded in local land, language, culture, and way of life.
- Share outcomes with community researchers, community members and policy makers.
- Bring community researchers, students, and early career researchers together to support dialogue and knowledge sharing related to our shared vision and research themes.
- Outreach to other networks – BC, Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta and other NEIHR centres.
- Continues to strengthen of the language component of all health research activities, including terminology workshops and a holistic approach to literacy.
- Periodic policy briefs for decision-makers and knowledge users, attend and present at annual assemblies of regional Indigenous governments – Dene Nation, Tłįchǫ Government, IRC – promote research.
- Lunch and learns and speaker series.
- Community outreach including face to face, website, and social media, outputs to other networks – conferences, SPOR networks, other NEIHR Centres.
- Sharing outputs with other networks including other NEIHRs, SPORs, Council for Yukon First Nations, FEAST centre for STBBI research, Tłı̨chǫ Government, Health Excellence Canada, Accreditation Canada, Council of Canadian Academies, Tri-Agency reference groups, and the International Journal of Circumpolar Health.
- Website with up-to-date project information and findings.
- Participation in open-access and Indigenous health journals as contributors, reviewers, and board members.