Our partnerships are wide reaching and wonderfully diverse.
They include universities, research hubs, Elders, communities, foundations, government agencies and anyone who wants to be involved in the research process and has a meaningful connection to Indigenous communities and organizations.

Here is what our partnerships have achieved
- University of Alberta, School of Public Health, Partnership Strategy
- University of Alberta, Working Group Responding to TRC Recommendations
- University of Alberta, Organizational Support for Northern Based Faculty and Students
- University of Toronto, Waakebiness Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health, Partnership Strategy
- University of Toronto, IISPH Student Placement Support and Elder Support
- Tlicho Research and Training Institute, Student Support and Grant Planning Activities
- UNBC, Student Placement Support and Elder Support
- McMaster University, MSc. Global Health Student Placements and Elder Support
- Queen’s University, Internal Grant Review for Indigenous Health Research
- Lawson Foundation, Grant Design for Indigenous Diabetes Research in Northern and Remote Communities
- Arctic Indigenous Wellness Foundation
- Aurora College, Aurora Research Institute
- Feast Centre for STBBI Research
- Qaujigiartiit Health Research Centre, Nunavut NEIHR
- Fostering Open eXpression among Youth (FOXY)
- Hotıì ts’eeda
- Council of Yukon First Nations, Development of Yukon NEIHR
- Created a full Land-based Research Policy to Support Land-based Learning and Training
- Developed Preliminary Plans for Elder Led Research in Climate Change, Food Security and Archiving Knowledge
- Developed Grant Proposals to Support grants in these priority areas
- Discussing Indigenous Health Research Priorities with Health Authority
- Participated as collaborators on applications with other Universities and Researchers
- Awarding Scholarship to Indigenous PhD and Masters students
- Providing advice and support to Indigenous scholars across Canada
- NGGS Planning Comittee and Student Support
- Facilitating networking opportunities for Indigenous graduate students
- Introductory and Ongoing Meetings with Regional Indigenous Governments
- Introductory and Ongoing Meetings with Community Governments
- Elder Visits and Discussions with Home Communities
- Elders’ Gathering